Please join us for our FALL HAPPY HOUR!

Please join us for a happy hour in support of the Seattle Clemency Project!

We're thrilled to have Nick Brown, the former counsel to Gov. Inslee and current partner at Pacifica Law Group, and Supreme Court Justice Sheryl McCloud speaking on their experiences with clemency. 

Wine and appetizers will be served by FARE START, because everything is more fun with wine and appetizers. 

See you at Impact Hub, November 2nd, 5-7 PM.


Our organization is celebrating nearly two years in existence and some big accomplishments!

- Over 50 men and women now have FREE legal help, allowing them to create a compelling and convincing petition for clemency. 
- Over 50 attorneys have stepped up to help, with firms like Foster Pepper, Perkins Coie, Williams Kastner, K&L Gates, Karr Tuttle, Stoel Rives, Lane Powell, Miller Nash, Davis Wright Tremaine and more signing on. 
- 15 petitions have been submitted so far... we're waiting to learn if hearings have been granted. (Fingers crossed!). The rest of our clients/attorneys are working hard, getting petitions ready, and most will be submitted in the next six months. 
- 6 clients have received hearings... 3 received the support of the board. 
- We've heard from over 250 inmates so far, so we're just scratching the surface. 

There is more to do!

Help us fund the operations of our program! We hope to hire a full-time executive director and paralegal, and be able to retain a private investigator to track down hard-to-find documents and a mental health expert to give us evaluations of clients.