First Fundraiser and next steps!

We were so grateful to those who came out and donated at our first fundraiser last week. It was so exciting to get to tell you a bit more about our project, the folks you are helping with your donation and our next steps. 

Speaking of - here's what's coming up for us...

After the Thanksgiving holiday, we're kicking into gear on a few things. December 8th is the next meeting of the clemency board and Jon will be there to represent a client and speak before the board. We have our fingers crossed. 

Jen and Emily are off on a two day prison visit at the same time, visiting Walla Walla and Coyote Ridge. We're squeezing in as many meetings as we can, though we'll still have folks we can't get to this round. Hoping this visit gives us a new batch of great clients that we can try to match with attorneys. 

Zane has been busy on the reentry piece of the puzzle and that will continue into the holidays. We are always looking for suggestions for reentry organizations that we should have on speed dial, so please reach out to us if you know of one. 

Finally, Jen and Jon will be teaching a seminar on clemency petitions at Foster Pepper. We are grateful for all the work they've done in promoting and hosting this event. Thank you!

Hope everyone has a wonderful Turkey Day.